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Can I Wear Dentures All Day, Every Day?

April 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Chirta Naik @ 10:32 pm
person with dentures

Wearing dentures gives you the ability to live life without the embarrassment and frustration once caused by missing teeth. These prosthetics help you to eat the foods you love, smile confidently, and speak without slurring your words. So how long should you wear your dentures each day? If you think keeping them in your mouth all day, every day is fine, hear from a dentist who shares what can happen if you don’t give your teeth the care they deserve.

Can Dentures Be Worn 24/7?

No, dentures should not be worn 24 hours a day, seven days a week. While, yes, you should wear your dentures each day, they need time to soak. Most patients who take proper care of their smiles opt to do this while they are sleeping so that they don’t need to worry about being anywhere without their teeth.

The reason dentures should not be worn all the time is that your gums need time to recuperate. They need time to breathe. Valuable nutrients are restored to your gums and bone throughout the night, helping them to better support your new teeth the next day.

Also, dentures accumulate bacteria throughout the day, so thorough soaking can help to clear away harmful particles that can irritate the gums and cause inflammation. Not to mention, there is also the potential of developing pneumonia should you opt to leave your dentures in around the clock.

How Should I Care for My Dentures?

There are several steps you should take when it comes to taking proper care of your new teeth. These include:

  • Using a denture cleaning brush to clear away any food debris, dried saliva, and bad bacteria from your prosthetics.
  • Placing your teeth in a glass of water or a denture cleansing solution. This will allow them to remain moist (dried dentures are more prone to breakage) while also removing additional bacteria that can harm gum tissues.

Are There Other Times I Should Avoid Wearing Dentures?

Yes, apart from the time while you are asleep, it is best to avoid wearing your dentures if you experience pain caused by sores or prosthetics that no longer fit properly. In this case, you will need to see your dentist about undergoing an adjustment so that you can resume wearing your teeth without discomfort or slippage.

Your dentures are removable so that you can ensure their health and longevity. Not only does it make keeping your natural teeth and gum tissues free of bad bacteria, but giving your prosthetics time to rest will only further their lifespan and your ability to enjoy a complete smile.

About the Author
Dr. Chitra Naik has more than 25 years of experience helping the residents of Flint, MI, and its surrounding communities achieve healthier smiles. She and her team understand the challenges that can arise as a result of tooth loss, which is why she is pleased to provide dentures as a reliable tooth replacement solution. To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us at (810) 235-5422.

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