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Why It’s Best to Use Contactless Greetings at Your Next Dental Visit

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Chirta Naik @ 6:59 pm

a female patient lying back in the chair while the dentist and dental hygienist, both wearing personal protective equipment, look onIf it feels like second nature for you to enter your dentist’s office and give your hygienist a high-five or shake the hand of the person behind the front desk, you’ll need to learn to resist the next time you visit. COVID-19 has caused various changes to occur in dental practices throughout the United States, one of which is practicing social distancing. Before arriving for your appointment, a dentist explains why contactless greetings are best during this time.

The Reason for Contactless Greetings

COVID-19 is to blame for your inability to high-five, offer handshakes, or even hug right now. Because this highly contagious virus is easily transmitted from person-to-person, health and safety officials are recommending that people practice social distancing, which means you should remain at least 6 feet apart from those around you when in public spaces. While this isn’t entirely possible at a dentist’s office, your dental professional is doing everything possible to keep with these guidelines, even if it means a break from the welcoming smile and handshake.

Acceptable Ways to Greet Your Dental Team

You’re likely not the only one who doesn’t like the fact that regular greetings are off the table. Your dental team members are excited to see you again and may want to throw up a high-five just as much as you do, but for now, to keep everyone safe, here are a few approved alternatives you can use:

  • Elbow Bump: Instead of the traditional handshake, try leading with your elbow. Many individuals have adopted this as the new way to say hello. Not only does this protect your hands from any bacteria or viruses, but the same can be said for your dentist, too, especially since they must wear gloves to perform the dental work you need.
  • Namaste Greeting: A common Indian greeting, this pose is frequently used in Southeast Asia. You may also see it performed in your everyday yoga class. With your palms facing each other and your fingers extended upward with your thumbs close to your chest, a simple head bow will let your dental team know you are saying hello.
  • Air High-Five: It’s always great to get good news from your dentist but instead of going in for the regular high-five, try one that doesn’t quite touch. Also known as the “air high-five,” this gesture allows you to still receive a “good job” without making contact.

Just because COVID-19 has thrown everyone a curveball this year doesn’t mean you can’t show you appreciation toward your dentist and their staff. By using these alternative greetings, you can let them know just how happy you to see them again.

About the Author
Dr. Chitra Naik has more than 25 years of experience helping the residents of Flint, MI, and its surrounding communities achieve healthier smiles. Studying dentistry at the Government Dental College in Mumbai, India, she moved to the United States to pursue her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at the Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Like many other dentists, she and her team are working hard to ensure the health and safety of all patients, including implementing safety protocols throughout the office. From increased sanitation to wearing appropriate personal protective equipment to maintaining proper social distancing guidelines, you can feel better protected when arriving at their office. To learn more about what steps are being taken to keep everyone safe, contact us at (810) 235-5422.

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